Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011

Dungeon Siege III Demo

Well, I have waited long for this game, am I satisfied? We will see later...
Firstly, it took some time to download the demo via steam because of their low server capacities during big releases like this one. After trying for 10 minutes, I was finally able to load the demo with maximum speed. Installing lasted another 5 minutes and right after that I started the long-awaited Dungeon Siege 3 Demo.

When clicking on "new game" I had to choose whether I would like to play the female character "Anjali" or the male one "Lucas Montbarron".
Like I always do in games, I have chosen the woman.

Before I was able to play, I had to choose the difficulty. There are three at choice, "casual", "normal" and "hardcore".
Because of the fact that I am not a sissy, but to weak to conquer the beasts from hell, I have made a decission and selected "normal".
Like every game, Dungeon Siege III starts with an intro, which I tried to cancel immediately and guess what?
I was able to skip it. I do understand that the developers doing a great job in creating intros. Of course I did not skip the videos because of their bad quality, it's just that I do not care for them and just want to play.

May I introduce?
This is Anjali, performing her special move "Spinning Kick".

Every character in Dungeon Siege III has two stances. Anjali e.g., is able to melee-fight with staffs
and in her second stance, she is the burning woman from hell.

Here you can see Anjali incinerating some guys that really deserve it.

After killing the first enemies I can say that there is something missing. If you are hitting an enemy you do not feel or rather hear that you are actually hitting him. There is no feedback, you just punch and that is it. I would like to hear some "swoosh" or "slit". I cannot say that this fact makes it a bad game, but I do miss it.

Square Enix has promised that there is a huge amount of items which will drop. By now I can say that they are right but I am quite disappointed regarding the loot-system. Until now I have not found any button to "show all loot" on the ground. Comment please if I am wrong.
The only chance to see the loot is to stand in a specific angle in front of the item. If you move a little bit away, you will just see that there is one, but don't know what is exactly.

Anoher fact I really do not like is that you have to be, what you have chosen when starting your adventure. I would like to have the opportunity to decide to what class I develope during gameplay, just as it was in DS I. If you wanted to be a little dwarf that shoots fireballs, you could do so. But in DS III you HAVE to be Anjali, with her two specialisations, all the time. That is somewhat disappointing.

It took me about 45 minutes to play through the demo and I am really happy that I was given the opportunity to play the Dungeon Siege III Demo. Because now I know, that I do not have/want to buy the retail version of it and save my money for other things. But I still do have a problem, how can I fill the gap between now and the Diablo III release? Suggestions in the comments please.

23 Kommentare:

adiaphoros hat gesagt…

Looks like an interesting game.

Brick hat gesagt…

i remember dungeonseige 1 and 2 this looks like they upped the game play a lot =)

Barbeque hat gesagt…

sweet. will follow and keep up the good post!

Desktoper hat gesagt…

wow I wanna play it =D

Goldfinch hat gesagt…

Wow, looks good, I'm gunna check this out

Stereocool hat gesagt…

Thank you man! this is gorgeous,

Apache hat gesagt…

Good article.

jhonny hat gesagt…

Thats nice with some pics from the game i really enjoy reading this!

Astaroth hat gesagt…

This game looks awesome! can't wait to get my hands on it!

Empty hat gesagt…

looks like a good game. Might try it out.

LightStand hat gesagt…

Looks like a nice game, can't wait to try it!

Unknown hat gesagt…

I just want Skyrim!

The Hammer hat gesagt…

graphics looks amazing

Civic Soma hat gesagt…

i hope it is the price worth...
but i think it will ;)

Johnathan hat gesagt…

Sweet I love this game

bmx4130 hat gesagt…

This game looks great. Nice writeup. Can't wait to try it.

Germs hat gesagt…

Looking like a good game, way too many i need to buy this year D:

minecraft129 hat gesagt…

I played the original dungeon sieges before. They were pretty good :) I'm looking forward to playing this one.

Anonym hat gesagt…

It looks like a rip off on WoW if you ask me..

Braden hat gesagt…

45 minutes for a demo is not bad but wish they would put out longer ones.

mindlessfrk hat gesagt…

Looks awesome *o* I'm totally going to get this game.

RastaPasta hat gesagt…

Wonder if it'll be as good as dungeon siege II.

Mile2Marathon hat gesagt…

Whilst I agree with chika, it's not nessacrily a bad thing!